Missing Walkers Collins Bonnet

On Sunday 10 August 2014 at approximately 5.00pm Tasmania Police were advised of three missing walkers in the vicinity of Myrtle Forest, Collins Cap area.

The three local walkers (1 man and 2 women) had been on a day walk to Collins Bonnet when they lost the track on their return to Myrtle Forest. Contact to Tasmania Police was made by mobile phone.

The area was searched by police and local volunteers for several hours but due to poor weather conditions and below freezing temperatures further resources were deployed.

SES Search and Rescue crews, further police and volunteers flooded the area and the three walkers were located safe and well at approximately 2.00am.

The Westpac Rescue Helicopter was tasked but due to the low level cloud could not assist in the search.

The walkers were well prepared for their walk and once lost remained in the one position, making searching more favourable.