Missing Teenager Located – Jack Rumsley

Jack Rumsley, missing from Woodsdale since 3pm on Saturday 25 October, has been located safe, well and uninjured.

Jack has now been reunited with his family.

Shortly after 6am, two Tassal workers, travelling towards Nubeena observed a youth fitting Jack’s description on the Arthur Highway between Copping and Dunalley. The workers stopped and asked “Are you Jack?” The workers then waited with Jack until police arrived. Jack was physically tired, however, he was not injured and did not require medical treatment.

Police are extremely pleased to achieve a positive outcome in this matter, as they had held significant concerns for the 14 year old’s welfare who had been missing for nearly 40 hours.
Tasmania Police are still piecing together Jack’s movements, however, it is now clear that he travelled to Murdunna, which is almost 80km’s from his home address, on his mountain bike.

Inspector McCreadie, the officer in charge of the search, said “Police would like to thank the public who provided information and possible sightings of Jack over the last couple of days.

“Police would also like to specifically thank the SES and the many volunteers from the local community, including the Woodsdale volunteer Fire Brigade, local residents and property owners, the Endurance horse riding club and Ambulance Tasmania. The level of response and assistance from the tight knit local community was invaluable.”