Missing Person Shaun Cousins – Located
Missing person Shaun Cousins was located alive about 2pm this afternoon.
Police responded to a call just before 2pm from a member of the public, who reported seeing a man matching Mr Cousins’ description.
“Mr Cousins was located at Olinda Grove, Mount Nelson, near the Fire Station. He is currently being medically assessed” said Senior Sergeant Natasha Leaman.
“Family and friends of Mr Cousins are very relieved that he has been found safe, after being missing for over ten days.”
Mr Cousins (aged 43) was last seen at his house on the evening Sunday 9th November and there was a confirmed sighting of him running early morning on Monday 10th November.
Police will also be speaking to Mr Cousins in relation to a separate investigation; however we are not in position to provide any more detail at this time.
Police, along with SES and other volunteers, combed bushland at Mount Nelson with ground and air searches, and searches of the water and shoreline near the Alum Cliffs between Sandy Bay and Kingston.
Police would like to thank members of the public for all the information provided which led to Mr Cousins being successfully located and to all volunteers who assisted in the initial ground searches.
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The audio recording of an interview with Senior Sergeant Natasha Leaman is available on the Tasmania Police Soundcloud site here: