Missing bushwalker – Cradle Mountain

The search for a 26 year old male reported missing last night at Cradle Mountain continues. The man left his vehicle at Black Bluff on the Cradle Mountain Link Road yesterday with the intention of walking approximately fifteen kilometres to Mt Beecroft.

Mt Beecroft is approximately 7 kilometres West of Cradle Mountain.

The missing man from Travellers Rest near Hadspen is described as having a moderate level of walking experience. He was equipped with warm clothing but not specifically equipped for overnight camping.

Fifteen SES and National Parks personnel walked tracks in the area until 4am this morning. Those personnel have been replaced this morning by a further fifteen  Police, National Parks and SES personnel and have resumed the search.

A Police/SES command bus has been established at the Cradle Mountain National Parks Centre from where the search will be coordinated.

Search activities will continue to focus on Mount Beecroft walking tracks and creeks believed to be where the man sent a text message to his brother at about 1.40pm yesterday.

Inclement weather conditions yesterday prevented the use of the Rescue Helicopter. Continued hail and sleet are currently being experienced in the area preventing helicopter use.


Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296