Missing 59 year old man from Kingston Beach

Police are seeking public assistance to locate a 59 year old man who has an intellectual disability and suffers from Asperger Syndrome. Douglas Adamson was last seen at his Kingston Beach home at 9.00am on Wednesday 29 October. Mr Adamson moved to Tasmania from Victoria early in 2014 and resides with family members. He has recently expressed a desire to move back to Victoria and may have left the area on public transport or may have hitch hiked.

Mr Adamson is described as looking in his 60’s, 170cm tall, very slight build, short blonde hair and he is clean shaven. He is believed to be wearing dark blue work pants, a dark blue windcheater with a collar and a teal coloured pattern on the front, black work boots and he is believed to be wearing a light blue woollen jacket.

Mr Adamson’s family and police hold concerns for his welfare as he does not have access to any money. His family believe he is likely to be confused, hungry and very worried. Any information regarding sightings or his current whereabouts can be passed to the Kingston Police Station on 131444 or Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.