Medivacs, Cooks Beach and Ellendale

At about 8:00pm on Wednesday 7/9/11 the Westpac Police Rescue Helicopter was tasked to attend Cooks Beach on Freycinet Peninsula.  A 48-year-old Launceston man who was bushwalking with his 14-year-old daughter had fallen seriously ill and required evacuation.

While en-route to Cooks Beach, Ambulance Tasmania required the helicopter to be diverted to Ellendale in relation to a 66-year-old New Norfolk man who was believed to be suffering from a cardiac condition.  The helicopter subsequently collected the man from Ellendale and flew him to the Royal Hobart Hospital before flying to Cooks Beach.

Upon arrival at Cooks Beach, the patient was able to enter the helicopter with assistance whilst hovering over rocks in the area. This man was also taken to the Royal Hobart Hospital.

Tasmania Police Media & Communications
(03) 6230 2867