Media response

Response from Acting Deputy Commissioner Scott Tilyard in response to media questions.

The primary objective of Tasmania Police’s pursuit policy is to minimise risk to the public, people in offending vehicles and police officers.

Tasmania Police has previously trialled in-car video and is monitoring its use in other jurisdictions. It is something that may be considered in the future.

At this stage there are no plans to implement Star Chase technology. However, we are constantly looking at new and emerging technologies that might have some application in management of pursuits.

Police have the power to clamp or confiscate the vehicles of drivers who refuse to stop. In the past six months more than 125 vehicles have been clamped after drivers committed the offence Evade Police. Cars were clamped for a minimum period of 28 days. If convicted, drivers may incur a special penalty of $600 in addition to any other fine imposed by the court for the offence. That is in addition to other penalties they may incur for any other driver offences committed.

Tasmania Police Media and Marketing Services
(03) 6230 2296