Medal and Commendations

The longest current serving officer with Tasmania Police will be among those recognised for their service to the community at a ceremony in Hobart today.

Constable Tony Buckingham will be presented with a third Clasp to his National Medal in recognition of his 45 year career with Tasmania Police.  The National Medal is presented for long and diligent service to members of organisations that help the community during times of crisis.  Constable Buckingham, who is based at Orford, was also one of the first two Tasmanian officers to be presented with the National Police Service Medal last year at a ceremony in Canberra.

A further four officers, serving and retired, will be presented with Clasps for the Commissioner’s Medal for 40 years of service.  The Commissioner’s Medal is presented to officers who have demonstrated consistently strong performance along with high standards of personal and professional conduct. 

“It’s important to formally recognise the years of dedicated service by police officers and acknowledge their significant role in protecting and serving the community,” said the Commissioner of Police, Darren Hine.

This is the first year the National Police Service Medal will be presented in Tasmania.  The Medal is awarded to officers who have served a minimum of 15 years of ethical and diligent service.  The award was developed in 2010 and is presented on behalf of the Governor-General on the recommendation of the Commissioner of Police.   

“The Medal is unique in that a high standard of ethical and diligent service is also required into the future,” said Mr Hine.  

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