Marine Police detect recreational fishermen with undersize and excess abalone and rock lobster

On Saturday the 12th of January 2019, Marine Police detected three males, aged in their 30’s, diving at Sisters Bay, Southport. The males were intercepted and they were found to be in possession of excess and undersize abalone. The fish were seized and the males will be proceeded against for a number fisheries offences.

A short time later Marine Police detected another group of three males, also aged in their 30’s, diving at Lady Bay, Southport. These males were also intercepted and found in possession of a large quantity of abalone and rock lobster, excess to their daily bag limit. A number of the abalone and rock lobster were undersize. These fish were seized and the males will be summonsed to appear in the Hobart Court of Petty Sessions.

In both cases a number of the fish seized were obviously undersize.

Marine Police would like to remind recreational fisherman to ensure they comply with bag and possession limits. Information on bag and possession limits can be found in the Recreational Sea Fishing Guide available at Service Tasmania or download the Tas Fish app.

Illegal fishing can be reported to Fishwatch on 0427 655 557.