Man charged over Hobart fire

Hobart Detectives have charged a 47 year old Rosetta man with Unlawfully Setting Fire to Property as a result of a fire at Rosetto Tiles in Murray Street in the early hours of 18 July 2010.

Detective Inspector Powell of Hobart CIB said that a task force has been investigating a number of fires that have occurred in the city area over recent months and that there were a further three fires at Battery Point and in the city yesterday morning.

As a result of a special operation mounted by police, detectives located a man in the city area early yesterday morning and he was later charged with the Rosetto Tiles fire.

The man has been bailed to appear in the Hobart Magistrates Court next month and detectives are confident that further charges may be laid.

The fire at Rosetto Tiles caused approximately $14,000 worth of damage. 

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