Man Arrested after stealing a motor vehicle and evading police

Man Arrested after stealing a motor vehicle and evading police.

At around 6:30am on the morning of Saturday 31 January 2015, a 23 year old Glenorchy man committed several burglaries of businesses and motor vehicles at Glenorchy. He then stole a white Toyota van from one of the businesses and stole petrol from a local service station, before being witnessed by police to drive on Elizabeth Street through North Hobart.

The man avoided being intercepted by police and drove in a dangerous manner until police were successfully able to utilise road spikes and disable the vehicle. The vehicle was intercepted on the Brooker Highway at Derwent Park.

The man was taken into custody and will face court on a number of charges involving dishonesty and driving offences.  No-one was injured during this incident.