Major haul of illegal drugs and firearms

Tasmania Police has seized illegal drugs with a street value of approximately two million dollars along with a large quantity of firearms and cash following a major investigation across two states.

A Northern District task force was established in November last year to investigate a number of persons of interest whom were believed to be involved in the manufacture and distribution of Methylamphetamine into Tasmania from Victoria.

“The investigation is now in its final stages and has resulted in a large quantity of illegal drugs being seized along with firearms, cash and other items,” said Assistant Commissioner Donna Adams.

“As a result of this investigation five people have been arrested in Victoria and another 10 have been charged here in Tasmania with offences ranging from trafficking in Methylamphetamine and Cannabis, manufacturing and selling Methylamphetamine as well as firearms offences and other matters,” she said.

Investigations are still ongoing and it is expected more persons will be charged as part of this investigation.

“This is a great result. It has disrupted a large scale operation that has supplied methylamphetamine into this state and removed a large number of illegal firearms off the street,” Ms Adams said.

Items seized as part of this investigation are:

  • Methylamphetamine (approximately 500g in total seized, street value of approximately $2 million)
  • Cannabis (30 kgs seized)
  • Firearm (42 recovered from various searches, majority have been reported stolen)
  • Cash ($330,000.00)
  • Jewellery (approximately $80,000, majority relating to a Burglary in Launceston in June 2011)
  • Stolen Property (approximately $10,000)
  • Abalone (68 in total)