Light aircraft ‘gear-up’ landing at Cambridge Aerodrome

Tasmania Police, Aviation Rescue and Firefighting and Tasmania Fire Service attended a ‘gear-up’ landing at the Cambridge Aerodrome, Kennedy Drive Camdridge, yesterday afternoon.

About 3.20pm, police were notified by Hobart Airport Control Tower of a ’gear-up’ landing after a pilot, who was conducting ‘touch and go landing’ circuits in his Trinidad light aircraft, failed to lower the landing gear when approaching landing. The aircraft impacted the centre of the runway then veered off onto the grass beside the runway.

The pilot and sole occupant, a 67-year-old Berriedale man with 25 years flying experience, wasn’t injured during the incident.

The aircraft has damage to the propeller and undercarriage.

Civil Aviation Safety Authority were contacted and will be conducting an investigation.