Letter received from AFP re Hobart International Airport

Tasmania Police has late today received a response from the Australian Federal Police confirming that its withdrawal of officers from Hobart International Airport (HIA) will go ahead as planned on October 21.

Tasmania Police wrote to the AFP on 15 September, 2014 requesting a review of the decision to withdraw officers following the raising of the National Terrorism Public Alert Level to High.

The response, from AFP Commissioner Andrew Colvin, states that there is “no specific information identifying an increased risk to the HIA” and there is therefore “no reasonable justification to remain in a permanent capacity at HIA”.

The letter also states: “HIA will continue to be considered against intelligence holdings and, should a significant change in risk to HIA be identified, the AFP would reconsider resource allocations.”

Tasmania Police Commissioner Darren Hine said:

“We are well advanced in the planning process to take over policing of the airport on October 21 and are confident of providing an effective policing service to the HIA.

“Should information about risk to the HIA be identified, we will again liaise with the AFP.”