Large shark sighted near Betsy Island.

Shortly before 12 noon on Saturday 2 October, a light aircraft observed what is believed to be a large shark approximately 200 metres due west of Black Jack Reef (north of Betsy Island).

The shark was estimated to be in excess of four metres in length and was around 300 – 500 metres from a popular surfing location known as Goats Bluff.

Police attended via road and police vessel to advise surfers of the sighting. A recreational vessel also assisted in advising surfers in the water. It is estimated that up to 30 surfers chose to exit the water.

Police spoke with the pilot who is an experienced air instructor.  He advised that the aircraft was flying at 1000 feet in calm clear conditions when he saw the shark breach the surface. He is confident it was not a whale describing it as being light coloured, relatively wide across the body and with a tail motion that moved from side to side (not up and down like a whale).  He said that it was common to see dolphins in the area however this was not a dolphin. He has not seen a shark of this size before.

The aircraft made further passes of the area but did not sight the shark again.

Whilst this incident posed no direct threat to water users it is preferable members of the public be made aware of the sighting.

Police would like to thank the assistance of Coast Radio Hobart and the recreational vessel that answered the call for assistance via marine radio (Channel VHF16) and took the time to help warn surfers.


Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296