Kingston Burglaries

Kingston Criminal Investigation Branch is continuing to investigate a number of house burglaries in the Taroona, Kingston and Blackman’s Bay areas over the past months.   The majority of burglaries are occurring while premises are vacant during daylight hours.    Cash and small valuables are being targeted by the thieves.

On Wednesday 10th October two houses were burgled during the day at Bonnet Hill.   A homeowner disturbed a male person in her home at Wooten Drive.  The male fled on foot.  Police attended and searched the area for the male without result.    The male is described as being 30-35 years, slight build, pale skin, with a shaved short light coloured hair.  He was wearing a grey hoody.

The public are asked to be particularly vigilant with home security at this time and to promptly report incidents of suspicious behaviour to police on 03 6211 8003 or 000 in an emergency situation.

Media & Communications
(03) 6230 2296