Keeping Tasmanians safe this Easter

Tasmania Police’s Easter traffic enforcement effort will be taking place across the state from tomorrow, once again aimed at making sure everyone gets where they are going safely these holidays.

“We do this every year, and the message hasn’t changed, but we’re urging people not to tune us out,” said Acting Assistant Commissioner Jason Elmer.

“For safe roads, we need safe road users, and that means you.”

“When you’re on the roads, slow down, pay attention, wear your seatbelt, stop and rest before you get tired and do not drive after drinking or taking drugs.”

“As always, police will be targeting dangerous behaviours like speeding, mobile phone use, and driving under the influence.”

“We’ll have high-visibility and covert patrols on our highways and main roads, and we’ll be covering other routes, back streets, and rural areas.”

“There will be random alcohol and drug testing operations, and speed detection devices in use across Tasmania.”

“Keeping everyone safe on our roads is a mission for the whole community – not just police.”

“You can help by obeying the road rules, making sure your loved ones do too, and letting police know if you see something dangerous on our roads.”

“You can call police on 131 444 or Triple Zero (000) in an emergency.”

“We also have a community evidence portal on our website, where people can submit footage of dangerous driving incidents to us for investigation.”

Visit for more information.