Illegal Divers Detected

An aerial and marine surveillance operation has detected illegal divers operating in the early hours of the morning within the Tinderbox Marine Reserve.  Police had received a number of complaints from the recreational diving community that the fish in the reserve were being depleted by illegal divers.  The surveillance flight over marine parks in the southern and eastern coastal and off shore area, made the detection in the early hours of Thursday morning. At this time the flight crew observed a boat with diving gear deployed working in the popular Tinderbox Marine Reserve.

As part of a coordinated operation, the police vessel Vigilant deployed its fast response tender and apprehended two males in a boat, together with a diver in the water within the Reserve.  It will be alleged that the crew of the offending boat attempted to throw their catch overboard as police approached.

A search of the boat found a number of undersized abalone and undersized crayfish. 

Another vessel was also located unlawfully fishing in the park.

The offending fishermen and diver were issued Marine Infringement Notices and substantial penalties apply.

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