House Burglaries – Lindisfarne Area (19 June)

On Friday evening 19 June, Tasmania Police arrested two males aged 22 and 21 years after they allegedly burgled several homes on the Eastern Shore. The two males will face court at 10am Saturday when it will be alleged they entered houses in Raminea Road Lindisfarne, St Helens Road Lindisfarne, and Marana Road, Rosebay.

Police believe that the males may have entered other houses in those suburbs and also Geilston Bay. Police are requesting the public to check about their homes for signs of a break in and contact Bellerive police if they find any sign.   Police advise that residents in the following areas in particular may be affected:

  • Geilston Bay: Golf Links Road, Kenton Road, Astor Drive areas.
  • Lindisfarne: Derwent Road, Rowitta Road, Raminea Road, Moirunna Road area.
  • Rosebay: Murana Avenue area.