
At 7.55am Friday 2nd November 2012, Glenorchy Police were perfectly positioned at the intersection of King George the Fifth Avenue, and Main Road Glenorchy, to witness a white Nissan 4 x 4 flat tray utility turn into Chapel Street Glenorchy.

The vehicle as it turned revved excessively causing the rear of the vehicle to slide on the damp roadway, with the driver of the vehicle ‘blipping’ the throttle and manoeuvring the vehicle causing it to ‘fish tail’ up Chapel Street with the rear wheels spinning on the roadway.  Upon intercepting the vehicle, the 24 year old male driver from Broadmarsh was arrested and charged for using his vehicle for a sustained loss of traction, with his vehicle also having a steering wheel clamp fitted to it.

This incident occurred at a very busy intersection during peak hour traffic with the local primary school close by.  Glenorchy Police firmly enforce the anti-hooning legislation with offenders such as this, who blatantly compromise their own safety and others who use the roads and footpaths.

Any person who witnessed this hooning incident is invited to contact Glenorchy Police on 6230 20777 or ring Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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(03) 6230 2296