Home Burlgaries in Launceston

Police are urging home owners once again to be vigilant and secure their properties after persons entered an unlocked home whilst the occupants were still at the property.

This incident occurring only recently is very uncommon but highlights the need for people to lock up your property so as to deter criminals every chance they get.  The incidence of home burglaries in the Launceston area has remained static over the past 2 years and property owners being pro active can have a significant impact on the ease in which some criminals gain easy access to a home or outbuilding. 

Northern Police are able to clear up and charge offenders in about  40 % of all home burglaries but would much prefer they did not occur in the first instance.  To achieve this everyone must play a part in deterring criminals.

Detective Inspector Flude says “ its easy to become complacent and forget to secure your home or car and we as attending police do become a little frustrated in some cases where items are left in plain view of offenders”  During the past 2 weeks Police have attended 3 home burglaries where the homes have been insecure.

Inspector Flude says most offenders do not have any qualms at all about entering persons properties and stealing valuables when an opportunity presents so it is up to the general public to be mindful of this and take steps to prevent this happening.

A further example is now cars are becoming more difficult to steal due to better technology so criminals are now attempting to break into homes to steal the keys to the vehicles they want to take.

Detective Inspector Flude asks that all members of the public be mindful in assisting police to deter criminals.  Keep a proper lookout around your area and report any suspicious behaviour no matter how minor you may think it is.  This will provide police the opportunity to be able to respond quickly and effectively when required.

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(03) 6230 2296