Hobart Traffic Operation detects drink driver before 7am

Police conducted a number of high visibility traffic stops in the Hobart region early on Wednesday morning. Police were targeting high risk traffic offences with motorists intercepted in Mount Nelson, Sandy Bay, Lenah Valley and the Hobart CBD.

In total over 600 vehicles and drivers were checked. While the majority of the motorists were complying with the road rules there were a number of drivers who failed to meet these standards.

Surprisingly, one driver was detected exceeding the blood alcohol limit of 0.05 at 6.50am. The driver, a female from South Hobart was arrested after being apprehended driving in the CBD.

In total 41 traffic offences were detected. This included suspended and unlicensed drivers, unregistered motor vehicles, speeding infringements and a number of mobile phone and seatbelt offences.

Many vehicles on the road were also detected and issued with defect notices with the majority having tyres that were considered unsafe. As a result, police have issued a reminder for motorists to check vehicle tyres before the wet and icy winter conditions arrive.