Hobart Show traffic management

On Wednesday 20 to Saturday 23 October 2010, the annual Hobart Show will be held at the Showgrounds, Glenorchy.

Significant traffic and pedestrian issues occur around this venue during the event and police advise the following:

  • The speed limit on the roadway around the venue including the Brooker Highway will be reduced to 50km/h
  • A designated drop off and pick up area will be established in the gravel car park at the corner of Elwick Road and Brooker Highway. Taxi departure will also be from this point
  • Parking is available at Tattersall Park and in the car park off the Brooker Highway, opposite the Show Grounds
  • Disabled parking is available in the car park off the Brooker Highway opposite the Show grounds
  • Howard Road between the Brooker Highway and Lampton Avenue will become one way, entry only from Lampton Avenue (this will commence at 3.30pm on Tuesday), and
  • Pedestrians must obey the walk / don’t walk signs whilst crossing the Brooker Highway. Additional time will be provided to enable group crossings.

Tasmania Police also indicate there will be a high police presence in and around the event to address traffic management and parking. 

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2867