High speed traffic offender detected on Murchison Highway Yolla

A vehicle being driven by a 28 year old Wynyard man was detected by Police travelling at 168km/h in a 100km/h zone on the Murchison Highway near Yolla at around 10:00am today.

Police were conducting speed checks in the area in an unmarked vehicle at the time the offending driver was detected.

As a result the vehicle has been clamped for a period of 28 days and the driver will be summonsed for the high range speeding offence.

“Police were particularly concerned given the driver in this instance has displayed an apparent disregard for the safety of other road users,” said Acting Sergeant Dare.

“The detection of this offence is a direct result of Tasmania Police’s road safety strategy which involves both covert and high visibility targeted patrols of secondary highways and country roads in an effort to reduce the incidents of serious crashes,” he said.