High speed on the Bowen Bridge

Police have detected a vehicle travelling at 142km/h in an 80km/h zone earlier today during a High Visibility Operation targeting speeding offences conducted on the Bowen Bridge.

The incident which occurred approximately 3.15pm involved a black Mitsubishi travelling from east to west on the Bowen Bridge. Police were able to determine the vehicle’s speed to be 142km/h, at which time it was intercepted by police on the eastern side of the bridge.

As a result of the vehicle travelling at 62km/h over the signed speed limit the vehicle was confiscated by police and the driver will appear before court in relation to the offence.

Police have indicated disappointment that the message regarding speeding and its influence in road fatalities may not be reaching some members of the community.

“It’s really disappointing that a minority of people using roads should wish to travel at such an outrageous and dangerous speed, which does nothing but put other road users at significant risk,” said Sergeant Morrisby of Southern Traffic.

Initial investigations in this instance have indicated the driver of the Mitsubishi has other matters which have either gone before or are in the process of going before court and as such police have indicated that it is their intention at this time that they will make application for forfeiture of the vehicle in the event of a successful prosecution. 


Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296