High range speed and drink driver

At 8:30pm on Sunday the 26th of November 2023, police detected a vehicle travelling at a speed of 156km/h on Bridport Highway, George Town.

The P2 driver of the vehicle was intercepted and returned a positive reading to alcohol. He was required to undergo a breath analysis which returned a result 0.025, which is above the legal concentration for P-platers,

The driver was arrested and charged with:

– Person mentioned in 6(3)

– Operate vehicle in public place in an unnecessary execution of speed, acceleration or loss of traction

– Fail to display “P-plate” so as to be clearly visible

The 19-year-old P-plater was bailed to appear and his vehicle was clamped for a period of 28 days.

Police would like to remind members of the public that police are constantly conducting patrols on Tasmanian roads and that speeds over 45km/h can result in their vehicle being clamped or confiscated for a period of 28 days for a first offence.