Helicopter Rescues

Tasmania’s helicopter rescue service has been busy today.

The Tasmania Police Westpac Rescue Helicopter this morning flew to Pelion Hut in the Cradle Mountain Lake St Clair National Park to return an injured bushwalker to Hobart.

The helicopter was then tasked to rescue an injured man from Eldon Peak near Queenstown. The 58 year old man from Hobart had fallen some days ago and injured his back. After a period of rest he was still unable to walk and used a satellite phone to alert rescue authorities.

This afternoon a second helicopter was tasked to Tasmania’s South Coast Walking Track after a Personal Locator Beacon was detected in the area.

The helicopter landed at Surprise Bay to pick up a 32 year old German tourist, who had a serious laceration to her face after a fall. The woman and her two walking companions were airlifted to Hobart.