Helicopter rescue from Lake Pedder

Approximately 9.41am Aussar advised Tasmania Police of an EPIRB activation in the area of Mount Anne, near Lake Pedder.

A helicopter with Tasmanian police officers and a paramedic flew to the area. The crew of the helicopter detected the EPIRB signal but inclement weather prevented them landing in the area of the EPIRB activation.

The helicopter landed at Strathgordon and crew waited for better weather conditions to attempt another landing in the area of the EPIRB signal.  At 2.10pm the helicopter is flying to the area of the EPIRB activation, and if possible land police officer/paramedic as close as possible to the activation area to ascertain the situation.

A search and rescue police officer and a paramedic were dropped off by the helicopter approx 2kms from the EPIRB activation area.

The ground search party located two people who set the EPIRB off.  They were not injured.  Because of the weather conditions, the two located walkers and the search ground crew will have and hour to an hour and a half walk to cover the 2kms back to the drop off area to be taken from the area by the helicopter.

As of 4.54pm the helicopter picked up walkers/ground search crew and will fly them from the area.

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296