Helicopter Rescue – Cape Frederick Hendrick (14 Sept)

At 10:15am on Sunday 14/9/14 AMSA detected an EPIRB activation several nautical miles east of Cape Frederick Hendrick near Marion Bay, Tasmania. Subsequently the Westpac Rescue Helicopter was activated and flew to the scene arriving at 10:45am.

The helicopter crew observed two men on the hull of an upturned catamaran and subsequently commenced a winch operation involving a police rescue swimmer. Both men were retrieved and were onboard the helicopter by 11:00am.

The men, who were well prepared, aged 45 and 46, both from Hobart had been attempting to sail their 16 foot catamaran from 2 Mile Beach to Eaglehawk Neck. During the voyage the wind, which was blowing offshore, increased significantly and overturned their vessel. They attempted to right the vessel for about 1 hour but the wind speed and sea state prevented this. The men became tired and cold and subsequently made the right decision activate the EPIRB before the situation got worse. The EPIRB was registered and AMSA were able to contact the next of kin and establish important details which greatly assisted the helicopter mission.

Both men were suffering from mild hypothermia but were otherwise uninjured. The vessel was unable to be salvaged and is currently adrift in the area.