Gun amnesty at Smithton on Sunday
A reminder that Tasmania Police will be conducting a mobile firearms amnesty at Smithton on Sunday.
The amnesty will be held from 9am-3pm at the Smithton Recreation Ground.
“This is the last in a series of five mobile amnesties on the North-West and West Coasts,” said Inspector Stuart Wilkinson.
“We won’t turn anyone away and people can remain anonymous if they wish,” he said.
In recent weeks amnesties were held at Sheffield, Queenstown, Strahan and Zeehan.
People are reminded that there is a permanent amnesty which allows for handing in unregistered and unwanted firearms at any time at any police station without fear of prosecution.
The amnesty means no action will be taken against anyone who voluntarily surrenders firearms or ammunition, to a police station, which they are not authorised to possess under the Firearms Act, 1996.
Anyone bringing firearms to an amnesty location is advised to ensure it is unloaded before transporting it and to follow the directions of the police officers when arriving at the designated parking area.
Members of the public can also attend the mobile police station and speak to officers in relation to any information they may have about firearm crime or any other offences.
Further information can be obtained from your local police station or by phoning the police assistance line on 131 444.
Alternatively information can be passed to Crime Stoppers anonymously on 1800 333 000.