Grand Final Weekend

This coming weekend is the AFL Grand Final, but don’t let the results of binge drinking spoil the celebrations.

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to risk taking behavior and the result could be a serious car crash or being involved as the perpetrator or victim of an assault.

Grand Final day is second only to New Year’s Eve in terms of workload for police and other emergency service workers. 

“Excessive consumption of alcohol on Grand Final day not only impacts on the health and welfare of those concerned but can lead to other significant problems for hotels, night clubs or other entertainment precincts late into the evening,” said Inspector Mark Beech-Jones.

“Tasmania Police will continue to focus activities on ensuring the community is safe in public places, and reducing violence and alcohol-related public order issues with a high-visibility presence,” said Inspector Beech-Jones.

The consequences of excessive alcohol consumption can be long lasting, particularly when intoxicated people become involved in a fight.  Make sure you have an enjoyable weekend by looking after your mates, not drinking too much, and respecting other people.

Alcohol is also a major cause of serious casualty crashes and police throughout the state will be conducting random breath testing operations at different times of the day and night during this weekend.

“We don’t want to catch people drink driving. We want people to enjoy the day and get home from AFL Grand Final parties safely,” he said.

“Don’t even consider driving if you’ve had a few drinks; not only do you risk getting caught but you place yourself and other motorists at risk.”

“Enjoy the day, don’t drink too much and go the Dockers.”