Graffiti near Bridgwater train line causes safety concerns

A 26 year old Bridgewater man has been charged following a railway incident at Bridgewater on the weekend.


Police attended a railway tunnel located near the Brighton Industrial Hub on Saturday 20 May following reports of graffiti being spray painted.


Upon arrival, police detected the man spray painting alongside the railway line. The man will appear in the Hobart Magistrates Court at a later date in relation to offences surrounding his risky behaviour.


Police remind the public that this behaviour is illegal and poses a real risk to everyone involved.
“Trains can operate at irregular times and there’s no warning as to their arrival. They can’t stop in a short distance and risk-taking in these circumstances affects the wellbeing of offenders and train drivers,” Sergeant Klug said.


“Police actively work with Tasrail to keep the rail corridors safe.”