Graduation Day for 22 new constables sworn in at Police Academy

The aspirations of 22 Tasmania Police recruits are realised today on their graduation from the Tasmania Police Academy.  The recruits comprise of 9 women and 13 men who are all ready to put their training into action.

The new constables will be sent to work in three locations around Tasmania, 10 are heading to Hobart Station, 6 are being posted to Launceston Station and 6 will be posted to Burnie Station.

“Graduating at the Tasmania Police Academy today after 31 weeks of intensive training are 22 dedicated new constables that are eager to put into practice their training,” said the Commissioner of Police, Darren Hine.

“The recruits have undertaken training including road policing, physical training, scenario-based training and investigations and operational skills.

“Becoming a member of Tasmania Police provides a career that is fulfilling and interesting. The type of training the recruits have experienced is designed to ensure that they have the best preparation for delivering a high standard of policing services to Tasmanians.

“Our recruits acquire the essential operational skills required for policing, but they will also learn to embrace and uphold the values of integrity, equity and accountability.”

“I stand with our newest officers as they graduate today and hope it will be a landmark moment in an enjoyable, long and fulfilling career for each of them. I congratulate each of them, including Constable Kirsten McAtamney who was awarded Dux of the Course, and Constable Dylan Williams who was awarded Runner-Up Dux.”

“On behalf of Tasmania Police, I welcome each of our newest members today, and wish them well for what I hope will be a long and rewarding career serving and protecting the Tasmanian community,” said Commissioner Hine.