Good Samaritan assaulted

Between 6:45pm and 7:30pm on Monday 2 May, 2011 a man was assaulted in Link Road, Claremont.   The 47 year old Bridgewater man had been driving south on the Brooker Highway, Claremont, when he was flagged down by a woman who requested help. 

He drove the woman down the slip lane and onto Link Road where a man appeared to be working on a white utility at the side of the road.

The man offered assistance with the vehicle and whilst doing so was struck to the head.   He was knocked unconscious and upon regaining consciousness discovered that the pair and their vehicle were gone and that money was missing from his wallet.  He was found by passers-by lying on the grass near his vehicle.

The man was conveyed to the Royal Hobart Hospital and received treatment for minor injuries prior to being released.

Police wish to speak to anyone who may have witnessed the vehicle being flagged down or the assault taking place, or who may be able to provide details of the vehicle and/or the male and female involved.

“Whilst rare, assaults on people going to the aid of others, such as this good Samaritan, are particularly disturbing,” said Detective Senior Constable Mark Wilby.

Anyone with information should contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or Glenorchy C.I.B. on 6230 2881.

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2867