Flare sighting – Actaeon Island

At 2:30pm on Tuesday 15th September 2015, Tasmania Police were notified of a flare sighting south east of the Actaeon Islands.  An abalone diver was working in the area, saw the red flare, and raised the alarm.

Due to the remote location it was deemed unlikely that the flare would be a false or malicious activation.

Subsequently the Westpac Rescue Helicopter, a local fixed wing aircraft, and the police vessel Van Diemen were sent to the area and searched an area of over 50 square nautical miles. Weather conditions on scene were poor with very low cloud, 25-30 knot winds, and, 1-2 metre seas.

Nothing was located, no Mayday call for assistance has been received, nor has any vessel or person been reported overdue at this stage. Subsequently the search effort has been stood down pending further information.