Five tourists rescued from the summit of Mount Roland

Police are again reminding bushwalkers to be prepared for all possibilities following the rescue of five tourists who became disoriented during the descent from the summit of Mount Roland last night.

Officer in Charge of Western Search and Rescue, Inspector Steve Jones said about 7.15pm last night, emergency services responded to a request for assistance from the group after they veered off-course losing the track on the way down.

“Unfortunately, the group were ill-prepared for their journey,” Inspector Jones said.

“A land-based search and rescue team located the party a short time after receiving the call for assistance and guided the group back to safety.”

“Thankfully, no-one was injured, but some members of the group were fatigued and dehydrated.”

Inspector Jones stressed the importance of adequate preparation before undertaking any bushwalking adventure.

“Anyone planning on bushwalking must be aware of the weather forecast and adequately equipped for all conditions, including sub-zero temperatures,” Inspector Jones said.

“Weather conditions in elevated and alpine areas can change rapidly.

“While the day may start warm and fine, weather patterns can shift quickly, leading to reduced visibility and challenging conditions.”

“Relying solely on mobile phones for communication and navigation is strongly discouraged.”

Police urge all bushwalkers to follow these essential safety tips to reduce the risk of getting lost or injured and to ensure a safer and more enjoyable outdoor experience:

  • Be Prepared: Ensure you have appropriate equipment, including a map, torch, suitable clothing and footwear for all conditions, a waterproof jacket, adequate food, water, and a first aid kit.
  • Research Your Trip: Check the intended trip’s difficulty level and whether it aligns with your fitness and skill level. Always have a route plan, map, and check the expected weather forecast.
  • Inform Others: Let someone know about your planned route and expected return time before embarking on your journey.
  • Carry Communication Devices: Always carry a fully charged mobile phone and a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB). Consider a portable charger to extend your phone’s battery life.
  • Be Mindful of Mobile Phones: While mobile phones can be helpful, they should not be relied upon as the sole means of communication and navigation during a bushwalking trip.