First year provisional licence holder detected speeding twice, with one offence 90km/h over the speed limit
On Saturday 21 Match 2021 at 6:15pm police were conducting targeted traffic patrols of the Devonport Bluff area when they detected a blue Mitsubishi lancer travelling at 17 km/h above the posted limit of 50km/h on Coles Beach Road. The driver of the vehicle was a 21-year-old female from Ulverstone who has held a first-year provisional licence since 15 January 2021. The driver was informed that she would receive and infringement notice for the offence.
At 11:00 pm police detected the same vehicle travelling on the Bass Highway at Lillico at 190km/h. The vehicle was intercepted, and the same 21-year-old female was driving the vehicle. As a first-year provisional licence holder she was restricted to a maximum speed of 100km/h. The female’s vehicle has been clamped for a period of 28 days and she is to be summonsed to appear in court for the offence.
If convicted, the offence carries a penalty of 4 months disqualification, 6 demerit points and a $989 fine.