Falls Festival Marion Bay – Second report of sexual assault
On 30/12/2017 at about 8.30pm Police received their second complaint of sexual assault at the Marion Bay Falls Festival. Yesterday’s assault having occurred in the camping area during the early evening on Saturday.
The young female victim was provided with support however decided she did not wish for Police to formally investigate the matter. Although ultimately her choice, elements of the incident will still be followed up by investigators.
Although it is disappointing these incidents are taking place, Police are encouraged by those who have been affected in coming forward with information about this behaviour.
The key messages remain the same in regards to looking out for your own safety and that of your friends. Police would also like to remind those at the event as it progresses into its 3rd day to not drink excessively and to manage their alcohol consumption.
Police would like to remind those at the event, there are Police on site if they require assistance in addition to event staff and St John Ambulance.