Fallen officers honoured at Police Remembrance Day ceremonies

Police across the nation will pause at remembrance ceremonies today, to honour the officers who have lost their lives while serving and protecting their communities.


“National Police Remembrance Day is an important and sombre day for police jurisdictions across the nation,” said Commissioner Darren Hine.


At a remembrance ceremony held at the Stanley Burbury Lecture Theatre at the University of Tasmania, officers will stand united.


“As we come together to pay tribute to those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice, we share the losses felt by families and loved one.”


Tasmania Police will pause in solidarity with Victoria Police today, to honour Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor, Constable Glen Humphris, Senior Constable Kevin King and Constable Joshua Prestney, who tragically lost their lives on duty in April.


“The loss of any police officer impacts significantly on the wider police community and the tragic deaths of Victoria Police’s four officers on duty in April was understandably a difficult and distressing time for many,” said Commissioner Hine.


“Police officers serve and protect their communities in what are often challenging and dangerous situations, and today we are reminded of how an ordinary day can turn into a tragic one.


“As officers stand together in camaraderie, I encourage each and every one of them to take care of themselves and to support and care for those who serve beside them.”