Expressions of Interest for Appointment to the Police Review Board

Expressions of interest are being sought from suitably qualified persons for appointment as a member of the Police Review Board, established under the Police Service Act 2003.

The principal functions of the Board involve the determination of applications for review lodged by members of Tasmania Police under the Act. The Board is made up of five members with professional experience in one or more of the following areas:

  • Understanding police culture
  • Understanding the law
  • Business or industry background with links to the Police Service
  • Industrial relations background
  • Academic background

The Board only meets when required and members of the Board are entitled to appropriate remuneration for time spent undertaking Board-related duties.

Further information on the role and responsibilities of the Board, and how to nominate for membership, should be sought by emailing or by calling Rachael Murray on (03) 6173 2596.

Police record and background checks will be conducted prior to the successful applicant being appointed to the Board.

Expressions of interest close 5:00 pm on Wednesday 11 December 2024