EPIRB Activation – Partridge Island

On Tuesday 21 January 2014 at approximately 1.50pm AMSA activated the Westpac Rescue Helicopter to search for an EPIRB activation in the vicinity of Partridge Island, near Dover.

The helicopter flew to the area and at approximately 2.40pm located an upturned kayak with a person clinging to the side. A rescue crewman was winched down to the kayaker. He was winched from the area and transported to Dover suffering from hypothermia. The man reported that his 81 year old father was kayaking with him and had not been seen for some time.

The helicopter returned to Partridge Island where an 81 year old male was located on the North Western tip of Great Taylors Bay (Bruny Island). A rescue crewman was winched down to the elderly man and he was winched from the location and transported to Dover. His condition was satisfactory.

The weather conditions at the time were poor with rain squalls and westerly winds in excess of 40 knots.