Easter road safety

Tasmanians are being urged not to become a road statistic this Easter period.

The Easter road toll reporting period began at 00:01 this morning and will continue until 23:59 on Monday 25th April.

There were no road fatalities on Tasmanian roads last Easter. One person died over the Easter reporting period in 2009, with a second fatality recorded on Easter Tuesday (2009).

So far nine people have died on Tasmania’s roads this year, compared to 10 for the same period last year.

“Easter is traditionally one of the busiest traffic periods of the year with many people taking advantage of the break and heading away,” said the Commissioner of Police, Darren Hine.

“Everyone has a role to play in road safety.  Our wish is to record a fatality and injury-free Easter and we ask motorists to take care on the road, allow extra time for travel and schedule in rest stops on long trips to avoid fatigue and lapses in concentration,” Mr Hine said.

As part of the “Operation Crossroads” campaign, a national police Easter road safety initiative, Tasmania Police will conduct high profile traffic operations over this period.

“Our officers will be out in force and focusing on the well known contributors to serious and fatal injury crashes,” Mr Hine said.

“We will be targeting drink/drug driving, speeding, inattentive driving, disqualified drivers, mobile phone and seatbelt offences, and vehicle defects.”

More than 14,500 Random Breath Tests were conducted state-wide over the Easter period last year, leading to a number of Drink Driving and Excessive Drink Driving notices being issued. More than 1200 motorists were also caught speeding during this time.

“Everyone has a role to play in road safety. If you see unsafe driving behaviour we encourage to you to report the details to Tasmania Police on 131444,” Mr Hine said.

Police will actively respond to these reports where there is sufficient evidence to proceed against offenders. In circumstances where there is not sufficient evidence, police will advise the motorist that a report has been made about their driving.

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296