Easter Operation Crossroads – State-wide enforcement activities (Total) – Day 3

Note:  This is a cumulative report comparing this stage in this year’s operation to the same stage in Last year’s operation.

State wide traffic enforcement activities 2018 2017
Random drug & alcohol tests to date 9816 12296
Motorists charged with drink driving offences to date 29 33
Motorists who returned positive oral fluid tests to date 33 35
Total Infringement notices issued to date 414 531
Infringement notices issued for speeding offences 288 368
Infringement notices issued for inattentive driving 29 31
Infringement notices issued for mobile phone use 10 22
Infringement notices issued for seat belt offences 19 22


Fatal and Serious Crashes 2018 2017
Fatal Crashes 1 0
Serious Crashes 1 1


This is the third full day of operation Crossroads.


Sadly, there was a fatal crash involving a motorcycle at Hagley yesterday morning and our thoughts go out to the deceased family.  This now brings the state’s current road to twelve, compared to five at the same time last year.


Tasmania Police continue to conduct high visibility and covert traffic operations in all areas around the state.  Several Major Traffic Operations were conducted yesterday in Hobart, Launceston and Devonport.


Tasmania Police continue to remind every motorist to drive carefully and be continually aware of the ‘fatal 5’; the five biggest contributors to serious and fatal accidents on our roads, those being; speed, failure to wear seatbelts or helmets, alcohol and drugs, distraction and driver fatigue.


To provide some examples from across the state of motorists not adhering to the fatal 5 and putting their lives and other members of the public at risk:


In the states south at New Town yesterday, police intercepted a motorist due to a defective headlight.  It was discovered the driver was a disqualified L1 licence holder and returned an alcohol reading of 0.174%.  It’s alleged this is the driver’s second drink driving offence in two months.  He was detained and will appear in an after-hours court today.


In the States North East, a driver was detected hooning in Scottsdale.  His vehicle was clamped for 28 days and he will appear in court at a later date.


In Devonport, a motorist, whom was on her way to work at 10pm returned an alcohol reading of 0.061% when she entered a high visibility traffic operation on the Victoria Bridge. She was also charged and bailed to a court at a later date.


For those motorists who are travelling home tomorrow, please remember to break the drive with a nice hot drink and a bite at the SES Driver Reviver locations across Tasmania. Those locations are at Parramatta Creek, St Peters Pass, Fossey River, Sideling Lookout and the Franklin Rover Nature Trail.