Easter Operation Crossroads – State-wide enforcement activities (total) – Day 1


State wide traffic enforcement activities 2018 2017
Random drug & alcohol tests to date 2820 5118
Motorists charged with drink driving offences to date 11 10
Motorists who returned positive oral fluid tests to date 9 7
Total Infringement notices issued to date 88 224
Infringement notices issued for speeding offences 58 153
Infringement notices issued for inattentive driving 11 10
Infringement notices issued for mobile phone use 5 15
Infringement notices issued for seat belt offences 5 9


Fatal and Serious Crashes 2018 2017
Fatal Crashes 0 0
Serious Crashes 0 1


Operation Crossroads commenced at 0001 on Thursday 29 March 2018.


Although it is too early to start drawing meaningful comparisons to previous years it is disappointing to see with less random drug and alcohol tests conducted compared to the same reporting period last year that the number of drivers charged has increased.  This is an obvious concern to Tasmania Police that motorists are still committing offences on our roads and these have the potential to cause crashes and risk life.


As an example, one incident in Launceston involved a 24-year-old man who crashed and wrote off his utility. He returned an alcohol reading 0.115, and was subsequently charged with Driving whilst under the influence and exceed 0.05.


Tasmania Police are very pleased to report that so far, there have been no fatal or serious crashes during the holiday period.


Tasmania Police ask each and every motorist to drive carefully and be continually aware of the ‘fatal 5’; the five biggest contributors to serious and fatal accidents on our roads, those being; speed, failure to wear seatbelts or helmets, alcohol and drugs, distraction and driver fatigue.


“We are asking all road users to plan ahead and make sure you allow plenty of time to arrive at your destination safely over Easter,” said Acting Inspector Steve Jones.