Driver disqualified for 7 times legal limit

A 37-year-old driver had her licence immediately cancelled yesterday after she was found to be more than seven times over the blood alcohol limit of 0.05%.

Police intercepted the woman’s vehicle in Lauderdale at 1.30pm yesterday after a report from a concerned member of the public.

She was taken to Bellerive Police Station where a breath analysis returned a blood-alcohol reading of 0.359%.

The driver received an Excessive Drink Driving Notice, which immediately disqualified her driver’s licence.

She will appear in the Hobart Magistrates Court on 30 November, 2015.

Sergeant Luke Manhood said:

“I would like thank the member of the public who provided the information which may have prevented a serious or fatal crash.

“Information like this from the public is vital in keeping our roads safe.

“We ask anyone who sees dangerous driving or who suspects a driver may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs to call us immediately,” he said.

With the festive season nearing, Tasmania Police will be out in force and focussing on the Fatal Five contributors to fatal and serious injury road crashes:

  • Drink / Drug driving
  • Speed and not driving to the conditions
  • Inattention and distraction – e.g. using mobile phones while driving
  • Failing to wear seatbelts or child restraints
  • Fatigue (driving whilst tired)

Anyone who spots erratic driving behaviour is asked to call police on 131 444 or in an emergency call 000.