DPEM Corporate Services Review

The Department of Police and Emergency Management (DPEM) is undertaking a review to ensure a cohesive and sustainable model for the delivery of corporate services across operational arms of the Agency.

The Department of Police and Emergency Management (DPEM) comprises Tasmania Police (TasPol), the Tasmania Fire Service (TFS), the State Emergency Service (SES) and Forensic Science Service Tasmania (FSST).

While each operational arm has operational independence and structures, there is a large degree of commonality in the support services required. The Corporate Services Review will examine corporate support arrangements across DPEM in order to ensure the most efficient service delivery model, and that areas of duplication are identified and minimised.

Independent auditors have been engaged to review the existing service delivery model for corporate support activities across DPEM. This will include reviewing organisational structures, systems and processes to eliminate areas of duplication wherever possible.

For example, there are separate record keeping, email and payroll systems within DPEM.
Importantly the review is directed at establishing a strategic direction and governance framework for the delivery of efficient corporate services.

Consultation will take place across DPEM as part of the review process, however even at this early stage it is important to point out that the State Government has ruled out forced redundancies.

Darren Hine, Secretary DPEM