Don’t Risk Drink Driving This Footy Weekend

Tasmania Police are reminding fans to have a plan in place for getting home safely if they’re having a few drinks at the local football finals this weekend.

Alcohol is a major factor in around 20% of serious casualty* road crashes in Tasmania and police will be out in increased numbers to detect and deter drink driving.

This weekend will see the culmination of a season’s hard work in football leagues around the State.

In the South police will be deploying extra resources specifically for finals being played in the Southern Football League (SFL) and Oatlands District Football Association (ODFA) as well as the preliminary finals in both the Tasmanian State League and Old Scholars League.

Southern District Inspector Mark Beech-Jones said:

“We want people to have a good time at the footy and that involves getting home in one piece.

“The joy of seeing your team win a final will be destroyed if you or someone you know is involved in a serious car crash.

“Our message to people is to plan your journey home before you start drinking.

“Organise someone to pick you up, designate a non-drinking driver or ensure you have contact details, schedules and money for taxis and buses.

“Don’t let your mates drive if they could be over the limit.”

Tasmania Police will not be going easy on drivers who put themselves and others at risk.

Targeted drink and drug testing operations will be conducted around football grounds in Hobart, Oatlands, Launceston, Longford, Burnie and Latrobe.

“We make no apologies that police activities will be focused on areas around footy grounds where it is likely that we will detect people drinking and driving,” Inspector Beech-Jones said.

“Whether you’re celebrating or commiserating, be aware of how much you’re drinking and don’t risk driving over the limit.”