Doing the right thing on the road? Have a coffee on us!
Doing the right thing on the road? Have a coffee on us.
Good driving behaviour could earn you a free coffee courtesy of Tasmania Police and the Road Safety Advisory Council.
Police across the state are conducting road safety operations in the wake of Operation Zero. Officers will be rewarding good driver behaviour with a coffee voucher.
“We all know that breaking the road rules can lead to an infringement notice or a caution,” said Assistant Commissioner, Donna Adams.
“But doing the right thing on the road deserves a pat on the back, and could earn drivers a free coffee on us.”
“It’s part of Operation Zero – increasing awareness around following all the road rules, all the time. Any breach of the rules can result in a crash and no one wants to be in that position.”
“It’s disappointing that so many drivers were caught breaking the road rules over the 24 hour operation, particularly when there’s been significant awareness of the Operation through our social media, radio and online education campaign,” said Ms Adams.
Operation Zero preliminary results
Disobey lights/Road Markings – 38 cautions, 74 infringements
Failing to give way or indicate – 9 cautions, 4 infringements
Mobile phone offences – 56 cautions, 76 infringements
Restraint (seatbelt) offences – 31 cautions, 31 infringements
8 drink driving offences
8 positive drug tests
Speeding offences – 133 infringements, 59 cautions