Digital radio

Plans by Tasmania Police to implement digital radio communications have been delayed by technical issues.

The Digital Upgrade Project, which will see digital voice transmissions used in most areas of the State, was due for completion this month but the contractor, Ericsson, has advised it requires an extension.

The technical issues lie with the new digital dispatch (C3) consoles which will be installed in the police radio room, Radio Dispatch Services.

The C3 Consoles need a software change to address audio level issues.  The same audio level issue requires a hardware change at radio base stations.

The changes will ensure that low volume calls to RDS are not ‘drowned out’ by calls with a high volume.

Tasmania Police is currently in negotiations with Ericsson regarding the resolution of the technical issues and the timing of the implementation of the modifications, which Tasmania Police is endeavouring to have completed as soon as possible.

When the modifications are complete, Tasmania Police will have statewide digital transmission capability.

“It’s important to note that the use of digital to improve the security of voice transmissions is currently available statewide and is being used for operations as required,” said the Deputy Commissioner, Scott Tilyard.

“It is the ability of Radio Dispatch Services to perform digital dispatch that is limited by the delay, but modifications to the existing consoles in RDS does allow some digital dispatching,” said Mr Tilyard.

“While we are disappointed in the delay, it is important we get this technology right.”

Tasmania Police will continue to work closely with Ericsson to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

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