Devonport seizures

Western District Criminal Investigation Branch, Western Drug Investigation Services and uniform police from Devonport Division conducted a search of a residence in Ronald Street Devonport on Friday 1 June 2012.  Members of the Dog Handlers Unit, Bomb Response Group as well as Western District Support Division and Western District Forensic Services assisted in the search which lasted most of the day and involved high visibility police activities around the residence.


During the search police seized about four and a half ounces of amphetamine type substances (believed to be ‘speed’ and ‘ice’) with a street value of more than $100,000, a semi automatic pistol, two high calibre rifles, ammunition, a quantity of prescription medication, cannabis, implements used in the administration of drugs, an explosives detonator, a large quantity of jewellery as well as a four native reptiles.

43 year old Mark Raymond Roland appeared at a special sitting of the Devonport Magistrates Court at 9pm on Friday 1 June 2012 charged with aggravated sexual assault, trafficking in controlled substance, possess a controlled drug, using a controlled drug, possessing a controlled plant or its products, possess thing used for the administration of controlled drug, possess a firearm when not the holder of a firearm licence of the appropriate category and unlawful possession of property.  Roland was remanded to appear again today (Monday 4 June 2012) at 2.15pm and was granted bail to appear on 20 June 2012.

Commander Avery said “The investigation into this matter has been conducted over several weeks and the seizures today have justified the investment thus far; however the investigation has not concluded as a result of the result on Friday and will continue.”

The male person has connections with Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs on the North West Coast.


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